
Monday, December 5, 2011

Some facts and figures from the race:

Total calories burnt: 5441cal
Total kms ridden: 60km
Max speed: 41.6kmh
Avg speed over 6 laps: 12.37kmh
My Fastest day lap: 2111st overall @ 47.33mins
My fastest night lap: 685th overall @ 58.57mins

We came 59th out of 172 entered teams.
We placed 19th in our category.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Official results are in.

Scroll down to page 52. We managed to sneak in front of a team we had been trailing all weekend. Our morning hot laps (Loc and Matt), really helped with the good times and Scott managed to bang a morning lap, despite many complaints.

Final Race Update

All done. 24 Laps COMPLETED.
Completely spent and Ive left it all on the track. Pack up was quick due to the impending storms approaching out from the south.

Thanks for watching everyone.

Race Update 4

Matt - 1hr25mins (dbl lap) Loc - 1hr35mins (dbl lap) Simon - 1hr5mins (back to single lap)

Matt - 35min Loc - 45mins

Ahhhh ... Dawn laps are AWESOME. 5am start was a bit rough and bloody cold. Sun arrived at about the halfway point of the lap and it was an amazing morale boost.

We have all got atleast one more lap in us. I dont really know how I am gonna get mine done but the warmth of the sun is great. Seeing the RedBull tent (transition area) from the high point on the last climb (2km to home) is THE best eye candy and almost all downhill from there. Yeahhhhhhh!!!!

Scotts out there now, much against his will but he IS out there and thats all that counts.

Last update after finish.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Race Update 3

Scotty - 1hr Matty - 38mins Loc - 42mins Simon - 2hr5mins (dbl lap)
Oh boy that second lap HURT. Temps cooled right off and dust is high due to NO wind. Riding with lights is a whole diferent ball game and little mistakes a creeping in. Had a tumble about a kilometre into the second lap. Just a shitty slow speed not unclipping fast enough type stack, they hurt the most dead weight slamming the ground.
Ah well. Ive had a feed and a beer and im ready for bed. 6hr break now while the others burying themselves in a few laps each.

See you in the morning. Dawn is 536am and im riding, yipeeeeee!

Race Update 2

Scotty - 1.03mins Matty - 36mins Loc - 47mins Simon - 51mins.
Temps are cooling off. Dirt is turning to powder and the berms are alomst none existant is some places. Lights are on riders now. We are all feeling OK, few muscles are calling for some deep heat but apart from all ok.
Dark laps are approaching quickly, double lap stints and coffee gels. BRING IT ON!

Race Update 1

Scott - 1.05mins Matty - 30mins Loc - 40mins Simon - 48mins

Weather is great very warm out on the track, dust is up and corners are blowing out already. Usual mix of good and bad attitudes on the track, easy to get fired up but no point wasting energy.

Next update at dark.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Friday Night setup.

So after the 2hr drive from the coast, we got into the campground around 4pm. Quite a few people already setup and lotsa other race setup things going on. Sign in and grab our race numbers and goodie bags.
Went for a quiet lap, track is is great condition and will be fast tomorow.
Next update at 1pm tomorow.